Who is Daniela?

Daniela is a Colombian woman who went through a rebirth process in 2022 when she discovered the magic of dreaming and believing. After 10 years of living the United States this process started by recognizing her value and life purpose beyond being a mother and wife. As a result Munaia was born, an accesories brand that represents beauty and greatness through handmade pieces by Colombian artisan women. Living in the United States has allowed Daniela to understand that there are no limits to your dreams when you believe and put action behind them. Daniela’s dream is to be a voice for Colombian artisans in the world and touch the lives of women in their self love journey.


Munaia’s purpose is to enhance women self-love journey through our handmade accessories, where artisan women set an intention in each piece. Our mission is to connect your soul with your own process in life. Whether it is a search for safety, value, confidence, strength while looking and feeling beautiful everyday.


To build the Munaia Beauty and greatness movement that focuses on guiding women’s inside journey to unveil their inner light through tools that create consciousness and awareness to see the life opportunities ahead. To Create the MUNAIA foundation by December 2025 to support and contribute to the well-being of our women artisans in Colombia. To be the leading brand of accessories that creates experiences of transformation through each hand made piece..

Our History

A gift


My venture MUNAIA arose from receiving handmade Miyuki accessories as a gift from a family member. Passionate about fashion and sales, I saw an opportunity to market these accessories in Miami.

First challenges


During that time I was working together with my husband in a family beauty business, reinventing ourselves after a partnership ended and we started out independently. It was a difficult but TRANSFORMATIVE time.

Primeras experiencias


I went the extra mile with the merchandise I had. Participated in numerous bazaars and started to grow my Instagram organically At the same time I was going through my own self discovery journey, where therapy led me to question myself and start my healing process.


Faith and Joy

The result of my transformation process led me to recognize my value, to identify my purpose and give my intuition an important role in my life and decisions.

Be reborn


Like all changes it was a rocky road at first, but when passion and action met with purpose the end result was the birth of MUNAIA.